The objective of the Technical Degree in Meteorology is to train professionals with integral knowledge in the different areas of meteorology and climatology, capable to deal with the challenges described in the professional practice, from a diligent, proactive, and efficient approach, and who are able to pursue advanced studies or perform in activities where knowledge of the fundamentals of these disciplines is relevant.

Objectives and Competencies

  • Elaborate forecasts, reports, and meteorological maps through the interpretation of numerical models and meteorological observations, in the short, medium, and large term.
  • Acquire, analyse and process meteorological data on the surface and at height.
  • Monitor and oversee the meteorological conditions through networks of meteorological stations on the surface and in height, radars, and weather satellites.
  • Create alerts and notifications about dangerous weather conditions.
  • Typify the regional weather conditions and their relationship with processes on a global scale.
  • Interpret basic information provided by meteorological stations and remote sensors and their use in the validation of regional meteorological models.
  • Integrate, from an open and creative perspective, interdisciplinary teams.
  • Participate in the elaboration and implementation of public policies and related private enterprises.
  • Participate in projects, designs, consultancy, and management referred to applied meteorology.



· General Meteorology
· Algebra and Geometric Analysis
· Calculus I
· Law and Sustainable Development
· General and Inorganic Chemistry
· Technology, Environment, and Society
· Physics I


· Applied Statistics
· Calculus II
· Theoretical Meteorology
· Computer Science I
· Physics II
· Physics III
· Practice I


· Calculus III
· Atmospheric Dynamics
· Climate Science
· Economics and Costs
· Synoptic Meteorology
· Microscale Meteorology
· Modelling and Forecasting I
· Atmospheric Observation
· Practice II

University Technician in Meteorology